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Numero uno
So, what a perfect time to start a blog... With the abundant free time that grad school allows I should have plenty of time for this. But, I figure this will be a nice place for reflection and release, in addition to being a way to keep track of the events of my life (especially for distant friends and family).
What, oh faithful reader, can you expect? Firstly, a good dose of science, as I fancy myself a marine ecologist (or at least on my way). I'm working on my PhD in a joint-doctoral program run between San Diego State University and UC Davis. You should be able to find me splitting my time between the two. You will read about the fantastic people I have been fortunate enough to work with during my career. As a biologist and conservationist, I'm pretty fond of the environment, so documented hikes, camping trips, and other outdoor excursions will find their way into this digital space.
I also love travel and new experiences, so count on quite a bit of that. Of course, I don't travel as much as I'd like to, but that is what research trips are for, right? I'm well addicted to tasty food, so expect a recipe or restaurant review here or there. Beer and wine are good, too.
You should hear a bit about the people in my life. I have some pretty awesome friends, some here on the left coast, several in Ohio, a handful in Delaware, and other scattered across the globe. If you are lucky enough to be one of them, be warned - there will be an embarrassing photo of you on here sooner or later. Oh and I have an incredible family, so their lives will weave in and out of this storyline that I call my life.
Of course there will be all kinds of unexpected sidebars, rantings, and ramblings. You might even get a thoughtful political commentary here and there. Yes - all this a grad student budget!