1) Biking EVERYWHERE (and saving money on gas)
2) Farmers markets selling produce that is actually local
3) Having these at home again: a real table to eat on, big kitchen to cook in, and backyard to garden
4) Amazing housemates (and they cook!)
5) An incredibly professional, supportive, and welcoming graduate group
6) Big green trees
7) Friendly people and a slow way of life (despite the hustle of grad school)
On the other hand, I am waist-deep in grant writing season. :/ It would be nice to score some cash this year ... we will wait and see, wait and see.
In other news, I took at trip to my alma mater (Ohio State) recently. It was great to catch up with old friends - those that are still around town. I also had the chance to meet with some colleagues from my old lab. I felt nostalgic.

The campus looks great, too. Renovation of the main library is complete and the new student union is almost done. I felt nostalgic.

It rained the whole weekend, but what better representation of Columbus? I hadn't sat and listened to a thunderstorm in over a year. I felt nostalgic... but in a good way. :)