Slightly modified from Charlie Papazian's recipe.
3 lbs sparking amber dried malt extract
3 lbs golden light dried malt extract
1 lb crystal malt
0.5 lbs malted barley
2 tsp gypsum
2 oz Northern Brewer hops (boiling)
0.75 oz Cascade hops (finishing)
1 pkg American-type ale yeast
0.75 c priming sugar (bottling)
Toast malted barley at 350 °F for 10 min. Steep at 140-160 °F for 30 min.
Boil schedule:
60 min Malt extract, boiling hops, gypsum
1 min Finishing hops

1/3/10 Boiled. Pitched yeast. S.G.=1.053
1/8/10 Major fermentation activity stopped. Racked to secondary fermenter. S.G.=1.015
1/17/10 Bottled. S.G.=1.015
1/29/10 Tasted first bottle (bottled for 2 weeks). Tastes good! A little more turbid than I wanted it to be, but the copper color is good. Taste is fairly well balanced, bitter, and assertive. The roasted malts come through well on the finish. The lower ABV of this beer is more in line with an English IPA than an American or West Coast IPA.
1/7/10 Tasted again (bottled for 3 weeks). Keeps getting better and better! Flavor is more refined, drier, and more balanced. Clarity improved (better pour?).
O.G. = 1.053
F.G. = 1.015
(OG - FG) x 105 = 3.99 = ABW
ABW * 1.25 = 4.99 = ABV